
Gender Pay Still An Issue in 2019: A Year in Review

Nov 25

The glass ceiling has yet to be shattered when it comes to equal pay for women in the United States. Attorney Kerrie Campbell has been fighting against the wage gap and employment discrimination throughout her career. As one of the first women lawyers to speak out on the inequality in the legal industry, she knows firsthand about the unfairness of the gender pay gap. After experiencing the same discrimination, she knows what you are going through and will speak on your behalf in the court of law.

With 2020 around the corner, where do we stand on the gender pay scale?

Median Salaries Still Unmatched – Gender Pay Gap Still Exists reports that in 2019, women earn 79 cents for every dollar earned by men. The amount is determined by uncontrolled or raw gender pay gap which analyzes the median salaries of men and women regardless of industry or seniority. 

This is a slight improvement to the 2018 data. One percent to be exact. 

According to U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, in 2018 “women who were full-time wage and salary workers had median weekly earnings of $789. That was 81.1 percent of the $973 median for men who were full-time wage and salary workers. Women had lower median weekly earnings than men in most of the occupations for which we have earnings data for both women and men.”

Same position, depiction but still not equal.

When the study took a look at men and women in the same employment field, women earn $0.98 for every dollar earned by an equivalent man.


Race plays a part in the Gender Pay Gap

For various ethnic groups, the pay scale differences may be even greater. Looking at the uncontrolled pay group, American Indian, Alaska Native, African American, and Hispanic women earned 26 percent less than white men.

Chart here.

Career progression leads to opportunity gap.

Statistics in the uncontrolled wage gap sector are much larger than in the controlled simply because of the career progression path for women. Women are less likely to hold higher-level, high-paying jobs compared to men and tend to move up the career ladder at a slower pace than men.


Have you been a victim of pay discrimination? Attorney Kerrie Campbell has your back.

Do you feel you have been paid unfairly? Contact Attorney Kerrie Campbell today. 

Attorney Kerrie Campbell has written for or been profiled by major national and international publications including the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, Bloomberg Business Week, that National Law Journal, Law360, Bloomberg BNA, New York Daily News, the ABA Journal, Reuters, Fortune, and others.

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